Grizzly availability zones

Short short update.

I previously wrote an article about OpenStack and availability zones, unfortunately the full potential wasn’t entirely explored in Folsom, at least clients weren’t able to see the AZ available. The command finally landed in Grizzly.

$ nova availability-zone-list
| Name | Status |
| nova | available |
| ssd | available |
| sata | available |

Update with the host aggregate. I won’t go to far with it since there are already some blogs explaining it and also the official doc. Thus just a quick setup.

W Note: Admin API only

First create 2 zones:

$ nova aggregate-create test-aggregate2 toto
| Id | Name | Availability Zone | Hosts | Metadata |
| 2 | test-aggregate2 | toto | | |
$ nova aggregate-create test-aggregate blabla
| Id | Name | Availability Zone | Hosts | Metadata |
| 3 | test-aggregate | blabla | | |

Get your host list:

$ nova host-list
| host_name | service | zone |
| openstack | conductor | internal |
| openstack | compute | blabla |
| openstack | cert | internal |
| openstack | scheduler | internal |
| openstack | consoleauth | internal |
| nfs | compute | blabla |

Then attach the host to the aggregate:

$ nova aggregate-add-host 3 openstack
Aggregate 3 has been successfully updated.
| Id | Name | Availability Zone | Hosts | Metadata |
| 3 | test-aggregate | blabla | [u'openstack'] | {u'availability_zone': u'blabla'} |

$ nova aggregate-add-host 2 nfs
Aggregate 2 has been successfully updated.
| Id | Name | Availability Zone | Hosts | Metadata |
| 2 | test-aggregate2 | toto | [u'nfs'] | {u'availability_zone': u'toto'} |

List all the aggregate:

$ nova aggregate-list
| Id | Name | Availability Zone |
| 2 | test-aggregate2 | toto |
| 3 | test-aggregate | blabla |

Enventually list the AZ. Admin API sees:

$ nova availability-zone-list
| Name | Status |
| internal | available |
| |- openstack | |
| | |- nova-conductor | enabled :-) 2013-07-09T09:47:29.000000 |
| | |- nova-consoleauth | enabled :-) 2013-07-09T09:47:38.000000 |
| | |- nova-scheduler | enabled :-) 2013-07-09T09:47:30.000000 |
| | |- nova-cert | enabled :-) 2013-07-09T09:47:34.000000 |
| blabla | available |
| |- openstack | |
| | |- nova-compute | enabled :-) 2013-07-09T09:47:29.000000 |
| toto | available |
| |- nfs | |
| | |- nova-compute | enabled :-) 2013-07-09T09:47:38.000000 |

Enventually list the AZ. Client API sees:

$ nova availability-zone-list
| Name | Status |
| blabla | available |
| toto | available |
