Github get the contributor list of a repository

Quick tip to retrieve the contributor list of a given repository. Example bellow with ceph-ansible:

$ curl -s | grep login | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/"/,@/;s/,$//;s/"$//' | tr -d '\n'
,@bmanojlovic ,@hunter ,@guits ,@lorin ,@marmot21 ,@mcsage ,@byronmccollum ,@maethor ,@mhubig ,@laboshinl ,@fcharlier ,@bstillwell ,@lyandrew ,@jjoos ,@BjoernT ,@psy-q ,@bsanders ,@pb-it ,@eikef ,@lpabon ,@ti-mo ,@alfredodeza ,@aisrael ,@andymcc ,@Abhishekvrshny ,@gpocentek ,@Logan2211 ,@git-harry ,@darkcrux ,@nexecook ,@rootfs ,@crcceph ,@mattt416 ,@bengland2 ,@bjne ,@HanXHX ,@andrewschoen ,@matthewrees ,@xals ,@jcftang ,@flisky ,@guestisp ,@msambol ,@leseb

Now you can easily ping them.

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Use Ansible to configure containers

Typically, when we build a container image we have 2 main files:

  • Dockerfile is the essence of the container, it is what the container is made of, it generally contains packages installation steps and files
  • is where we configure the container, during the bootstrap sequence this script will get executed. Usually the file contains bash instructions.

So the idea is, instead of relying on bash scripting when writing container’s entrypoint we could call an Ansible to configure it.

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Ceph: properly remove an OSD

Sometimes removing OSD, if not done properly can result in double rebalancing. The best practice to remove an OSD involves changing the crush weight to 0.0 as first step.

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Ceph is moving outside DevStack core to a plugin

Ceph just moved outside of DevStack in order to comply with the new DevStack’s plugin policy. The code can be found on github. We now have the chance to be on OpenStack Gerrit as well and thus brings all the good things from the OpenStack infra (a CI).

To use it simply create a localrc file with the following:

enable_plugin ceph

A more complete localrc file can be found on Github.

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