Use RBD on a client

Quick tip on Ceph. The linux kernel RBD (rados block device) driver allows striping a linux block device over multiple distributed object store data objects. The libceph module takes care of that.

Warning: Don’t use rbd kernel driver on the osd server. Perhaps it will freeze the rbd client and your osd server.

$ sudo apt-get install ceph-common
$ sudo modprobe rbd

Starting with rbd:

$ lsmod rbd
rbd 28158 1
libceph 129934 2 rbd,ceph
$ rbd create share --size 4096
$ rbd ls

With Cephx:

$ ceph-authtool --print-key /etc/ceph/keyring.admin
$ sudo echo ",, name=admin,secret=AQDVGc5P0LXzJhAA5C019tbdrgypFNXUpG2cqQ== rbd share" | sudo tee /sys/bus/rbd/add

Here rbd is the default pool and share is the name of my device. You can easily get more information about your device, it should identified with the name 0:

$ ls /sys/bus/rbd/devices/0/
client_id create_snap current_snap major name pool power refresh size subsystem uevent

$ grep "" /sys/bus/rbd/devices/0/*
grep: /sys/bus/rbd/devices/0/create_snap: Permission denied
grep: /sys/bus/rbd/devices/0/refresh: Permission denied

A /dev/ device should have been generated, now format the devive and put a filesystem on it:

$ sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/rbd0 
$ sudo mount /dev/rbd0 /mnt/
$ df -h | grep rbd
/dev/rbd0 4.0G 33M 4.0G 1% /mnt

Now you can use it as a simple device or put NFS on it.

/!\ Warning: make sure that this bug does not affect your Ceph version before trying to remove a RBD device.

This article was a simple introduction to the RBD device. Since I don’t want to paraphrase the Ceph wiki, if you need more information consult it the official wiki.
