Ceph ansible now supports dmcrypt

Ceph ansible now supports dmcrypt

I recently worked on a new feature that ceph-ansible was laking of: support for dmcrypt. This dmcrypt scenario basically allows you to deploy encrypted OSD data directories. The encrypted key is stored on the monitor’s key/value store. Until recently ceph-ansible wasn’t capable of deploying such configuration. Let’s see how this can be configured.

Within the dmcrypt implementation we support 2 sub scenarios:

  • dmcrypt_journal_collocation: where the OSD journal is collocated on the same device as the OSD data directory
  • dmcrypt_dedicated_journal: where the OSD journal is stored on a different device than the OSD data directory

This is quite straightforward simply open your group_vars/osds and uncomment the following:

dmcrypt_journal_collocation: true
  - /dev/sdb
  - /dev/sdc

Same for dedicated journal device:

dmcrypt_dedicated_journal: true
  - /dev/sdb
  - /dev/sdc
  - /dev/sdd
  - /dev/sdd

Let’s encrypt everything!
