Cluster FAQ

Some useful tips and tricks for managing your pacemaker cluster.

I. Change your virtual ip address

# crm configure edit

II. Change your text editor

# crm options editor vim

III. Add a new node to your cluster

Step by step:

  1. Install pacemaker on the new node
  2. Make sure that the new is on the same subnet as your current cluster nodes
  3. Copy using scp your /etc/corosync/corosync.conf and your /etc/authkey on the new node
  4. Start the corosync daemon on the new node service corosync start

IV. Put a node on standy

# crm
crm(live)# node
crm(live)node# standby [your-node]
crm(live)node# quit


V. Migrate a resource

# crm
crm(live)# resource
crm(live)resource# list
failover-ip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr) Started
crm(live)resource# migrate failover-ip cluster-node-1
crm(live)resource# bye

VI. Stop and delete a cluster resource

# crm resource stop [your-resource]
# crm configure delete [your-resource]

VII. On which node is running your resource?

# crm_resource -r failover-ip -W
resource failover-ip is running on: cluster-node-1

VIII. Resource OCF details

You can list the resource agent from each classes (lsb, ocf…) and from each provider (hearbeat…)

# crm ra list ocf heartbeat
AoEtarget AudibleAlarm CTDB ClusterMon Delay Dummy EvmsSCC Evmsd Filesystem ICP
IPaddr IPaddr2 IPsrcaddr IPv6addr LVM LinuxSCSI MailTo ManageRAID ManageVE Pure-FTPd
Raid1 Route SAPDatabase SAPInstance SendArp ServeRAID SphinxSearchDaemon Squid Stateful SysInfo
VIPArip VirtualDomain WAS WAS6 WinPopup Xen Xinetd anything apache db2
drbd eDir88 iSCSILogicalUnit iSCSITarget ids iscsi ldirectord mysql mysql-proxy nfsserver
oracle oralsnr pgsql pingd portblock postfix proftpd rsyncd scsi2reservation sfex

More ra details:

# crm ra meta IPaddr
Manages virtual IPv4 addresses (portable version) (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr)

This script manages IP alias IP addresses
It can add an IP alias, or remove one.

Parameters (* denotes required, [] the default):

ip* (string): IPv4 address
The IPv4 address to be configured in dotted quad notation, for example

nic (string, [eth0]): Network interface
The base network interface on which the IP address will be brought

If left empty, the script will try and determine this from the
routing table.

Do NOT specify an alias interface in the form eth0:1 or anything here;
rather, specify the base interface only.

cidr_netmask (string): Netmask
The netmask for the interface in CIDR format. (ie, 24), or in
dotted quad notation

If unspecified, the script will also try to determine this from the
routing table.

broadcast (string): Broadcast address
Broadcast address associated with the IP. If left empty, the script will
determine this from the netmask.

iflabel (string): Interface label
You can specify an additional label for your IP address here.

lvs_support (boolean, [false]): Enable support for LVS DR
Enable support for LVS Direct Routing configurations. In case a IP
address is stopped, only move it to the loopback device to allow the
local node to continue to service requests, but no longer advertise it
on the network.

local_stop_script (string):
Script called when the IP is released

local_start_script (string):
Script called when the IP is added

ARP_INTERVAL_MS (integer, [500]): milliseconds between gratuitous ARPs
milliseconds between ARPs

ARP_REPEAT (integer, [10]): repeat count
How many gratuitous ARPs to send out when bringing up a new address

ARP_BACKGROUND (boolean, [yes]): run in background
run in background (no longer any reason to do this)

ARP_NETMASK (string, [ffffffffffff]): netmask for ARP
netmask for ARP - in nonstandard hexadecimal format.

Operations' defaults (advisory minimum):

start timeout=20s
stop timeout=20s
monitor_0 interval=5s timeout=20s

IX. How do I backup/restore my cluster configuration?

There are 2 ways to backup and/or restore your cluster configuration.

First you can backup/restore your CIB configuration.

CIB Backup:

# crm configure save _BACKUP_PATH_

CIB restore:

# crm configure load replace _BACKUP_PATH

The second one is the xml configuration (which is the same but in xml format).

XML backup:

# cibadmin -Q > _BACKUP_PATH_

XML restore

# cibadmin --replace --xml-file _BACKUP_PATH_

X. Troubleshooting

Use the crm command, you can as many V as you want.

# crm_verify -LV
