Bring persistent storage for your containers with KRBD on Kubernetes

Use RBD device to provide persistent storage to your containers. This work was initiated by a colleague of mine Huamin Chen. I would like to take the opportunity to thank him for the troubleshooting session we had. Having the ability to use persistent volume for your containers is critical, containers can be ephemeral since they are immutable. If they did on a machine they can be bootstrapped on another host without any problem. The only problem here is we need to ensure that somehow the data that come with this container will follow it no matter where it goes. This is exactly what we want to achieve with this implementation.

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Bootstrap your Ceph cluster in Docker

Almost two years have passed since my first attempt to run Ceph inside Docker. Time has elapsed and I haven’t really got the time to resume this work until recently. For the last couple of months, I have been devoting a third part of my time to contributing on deploying Ceph in Docker. Before we start, I would like to highlight that nothing of this work would have been possible without the help of Seán C. McCord. Indeed the current ceph-docker repository is based on Seán’s initial work. Let’s see how you can get this running!

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